Trauma Therapy

A powerful force is controlling your brain and body.


Just One Look

Or perhaps it wasn’t a look at all. A particular smell, sound, tune, scene, phrase, idea – you name it – could immediately fire up some sense of crisis and land you in a very low place – a place you hate to be.

Nothing feels right there. You try to rationalize and justify everything you’ve been feeling, but you can’t even convince yourself, much less those around you.

Once it hits, it takes forever for your brain and body to crawl out and feel some normalcy again. Even then, you’re still in a kind of limbo – just waiting for the next time the cycle repeats itself.

It holds you prisoner.

Trapped in a cell with no physical walls or bars, you can’t escape, no matter what you try. You feel powerless.

Even worse, while you’re trapped inside, it wreaks havoc on your relationships and personal wellness, which you’ve worked so hard to build up day by day.

What the heck is going on?

You know it’s trauma, right?

Whether you’re clearly aware of the root cause for this force playing out again and again in your life – or you don’t really feel you’ve experienced anything close to “trauma,” the reality is that something beyond your control is happening in your brain and body.

You need to grasp what’s really happening, and better, find freedom from it.

What is this something?

Yes, you had some overwhelming experiences growing up. But that’s in the past – you’ve moved on.

Sure, you experienced some terrible things. But you can’t even – or don’t want to – remember them.

Why dredge all that up?

What? You need to access the past in your brain so you can better prepare for tomorrow?

“That doesn’t make sense – and it sounds scary. Won’t I just be retraumatized?” you wonder.

You may have moved on, but your brain hasn’t – and it needs to process those wounds properly, once and for all.

But there’s good news: You have options!

Every day, we discover more organic and natural ways to engage with trauma. I work with clients like you using a combination of therapeutic tools such as brainspotting, parts work, somatic experiencing, and more.

Your brain is brilliant – and unique! As a certified Brainspotting therapist, I don’t pretend to know what processes or protocols you’ll need to go through for healing. Instead, I remain highly attuned to you and your processing, receiving, and holding all that you bring to your session.

Together, we’ll access your trauma files through where you gaze as you’re focusing on a particular issue. You may encounter parts of yourself suffering in silence and pain. You may experience intense body movement. Or you may encounter a lot of trapped emotion you need to release.

The great news is that you and your body are the experts in this journey – in charge of where to go, what to bring up, how the process looks. I’ll act as your midwife, cheering and helping you along the way until you birth your new life.

Your brain is amazing and knows how to go about the healing business.

But only if you let it work the way it needs, so love and light can fill places where heaviness and darkness still dominate.

After only a few sessions, you’ll be surprised at how much lighter and freer your whole person feels – without going through therapy year after year.

Here’s a recent personal experience to encourage you:

While schools were shut down during the COVID-19 pandemic, online schooling challenged my 13-year-old son like never before, greatly compromising his academic performance and raising concerns about his overall mindset.

So, I tried my utmost to police his schoolwork, online class participation, and other needs. Yet, despite my efforts, we saw no change. Frustrated with my son and the whole situation, I felt like a big failure myself. I couldn’t distinguish between who I was as my son’s mother and how he was functioning in his life.

During a Brainspotting session, I encountered something. Then I bawled – for about half an hour. I was vividly feeling the pain and sorrow of my 13-year-old self stuck in an unfortunate situation. Though I had often previously talked and journaled about the situation, this session helped me understand and more fully relieve the emotional pain I was still harboring.

Now, I’m much better at separating my own expectations and my son’s journey of trying to figure out his teenage life.

Let me help you break the chains of the past.

Helping you find freedom from past trauma is one of my greatest passions.

Reach out to me today at  (720) 468-0424 or fill out the contact form.

I’ll be happy to answer any questions or concerns and discuss how you can move forward with peace and joy.