Spiritual Direction

What is Spiritual Direction?

Though the ancient practice of Spiritual Direction dates back to Christian monasteries of the fourth century, this tradition is gaining more attention lately in many protestant denominations.

In this ministry, the director (that’s me) helps the directee (that’s you) listen for the voice of God in your life. We focus on your spiritual experience.

I’ll remain by your side, and together, we will prayerfully listen for how and where God is leading you.

How does it differ from therapy?

Spiritual direction differs from therapy in a few key ways.

First, the primary relationship is between you and God. Further, the process involves helping you listen to God and experience the Divine.

Ultimately, your desired outcome is to better discern how God is leading you and enjoy deeper communion with Him.

Are you in a season for spiritual direction?

Ask yourself how your instincts have been prompting you lately.

Have they been nudging you toward having a more regular spiritual practice? Do you desire a closer walk with God? Perhaps you’re walking through a challenging season in life, and you’d like to understand how God is working through it so that you can respond to Him more appropriately.

Maybe it’s time to re-examine your image of God – to explore how past family and communal influences have affected your perspective. Or maybe you need to clear your head of spiritual confusion or heal from hurt or confusion incurred while you were part of a religious organization.

If you identify with one or more items above, have been contemplating hard but still don’t feel confident that you’re getting it all correctly, and long for some accompanying ears to God alongside you, then spiritual direction is for you.

Why me?

Because I believe spiritual direction is very beneficial to God’s beloved children who would like to hear Him better. I started providing spiritual direction while taking classes on spiritual formation and soul care in my Master of Divinity program at Denver Seminary.

I am pursuing a Certificate of Spiritual Direction at Denver Seminary starting Fall 2022, and I currently receive spiritual direction from an experienced spiritual director.

If your soul is leading you to seek spiritual direction in this season, simply call me at (720) 468-0424 or fill out the contact form.

I’d be honored to pray and listen alongside you in that sacred space.