Each and every one of us is placed in roles where we are expected to function, according to the understanding and willingness in our hearts. That is not the question. What constitutes as the question is when we strive to function, mainly out of the fear of disapproval or obligation imposed unto us from the outside world, which are moving inside of us at odds with our genuine desires to function differently. This is one of the significant causes for anxiety.

Unfortunately, as we pass October and plan for the holiday season, both of the performance-oriented tendency and anxiety gets increasingly heightened. Part of you starts to plan on impressive and immaculate decorations, gatherings, gifts, and activities that will involve busy work and fill your schedule in the next couple of months; another part of you groans over the pain and exhaustion that is still freshly felt in your body. Part of you pushes for immediate action, but another part of you drags feet with dread…You hate the discrepancy. It doesn’t feel good. Do you always have to perform in every holiday season?

Of course not! But how? Well, let’s explore for a few alternatives:

  1. Find a moment to sit down with yourself, breathe deeply and slowly, slow down your mind, slow down the urges in your body to be on the go.
  2. Ponder about the true meaning of the holiday season. Remember the most meaningful part of your past holiday celebrations as a child and as an adult. Is it really about perfection, details, structured planning? Or is it about spontaneous connection and laughter, and fun?
  3. Allow yourself to explore the most genuine desires for this holiday season and see how you can express them without hectic performing. Then take the courage to express yourself with your loved ones for a different holiday season. In the end, you may find that celebration without performing can be so life-giving and anxiety-free.