About IntegratedCCC

Anytime. Anywhere. Anyway.

Disintegration and disconnection manifest in all kinds of ways.

Driving on busy city roads, watching cars rushing by for their next destination, it hits you – an elephant on your chest, or even deeper, a stone in your gut, a haunting loneliness and disconnection.

Why does everybody seem so eager to get to their next place? What is awaiting them, except pain, suffering, and overwhelming toil that never ends yet never seems enough?

Oppression. Compulsion. Exhaustion.

You can’t pinpoint where it started, but an increasingly dominant voice pushes you to keep going without pause or rest – as if something urgent is constantly chasing you.

Deep down, your desire for real relaxation raises its voice, only to be squashed by the stern criticism of your brain, your uncontrollable heart rate, your shallow breathing.

This battle is too risky to continue, you sigh!

The Gap between Brain and Body

The powerful force of your body refuses to follow the directions of your intellectual brain.

People tell you not to feel anxious, depressed, reactive, triggered – but that’s not helpful at all!

But somewhere in the deeper brain is the control over the rest of your body, no matter how resolute your top brain tries to lead you in a different direction. How torturous!

The Barrier between You and Them

Even with your spouse of many years or children you deeply love, there seems to be an unscalable wall, an unbridgeable chasm, no matter how hard you try to make a connection.

All your efforts are one-way and futile. How frustrating!

Why can’t they let go of whatever past you had and continue along with you for a better future?

IntegratedCCC emphasizes holistic counseling methods.

Talk therapy engaging with only the top of the brain is not enough. Repeated description of what the traumatic experience was like – without addressing and reprocessing the deeply buried traumatic memories – does more to “retraumatize” than to help.

At the same time, our finiteness prevents ultimate and permanent changes from taking root in our lives – if we do not invite the supernatural to dwell and work inside us.

Similarly, aiming at individual changes without addressing the power of the systems can result in futile work in the long term.

Integrated Christian Counseling and Consulting LLC, or IntegratedCCC, came to life from the profound understanding of such disintegration and disconnection in and between humans.


IntegratedCCC exists to companion with you on your journey of exiting the disintegrated and disconnected place of life towards becoming more fully alive by providing you with holistic professional Christian counseling services.


IntegratedCCC supports you to embrace your pain, transform your mind, and restore your passion for the life that God has created you to live.


IntegratedCCC meets you where you are in life, and moves alongside you toward holistic wellness.

IntegratedCCC welcomes you whatever your background – regardless if you follow the Christian faith.

IntegratedCCC promotes whole-person wellness: physical, emotional, social, spiritual.

IntegratedCCC adopts many “both… and…” approaches when providing counseling services.

IntegratedCCC values top-down traditional talk therapy modalities and uses them as often as needed.

IntegratedCCC applies bottom-up therapy (brain-body-based therapy) in many sessions, as you allow.

IntegratedCCC engages with you in both neocortical understanding and subcortical processing.

IntegratedCCC advocates individual internal growth and familial/communal system changes.

IntegratedCCC facilitates your integration of spiritual awareness and psychological insights.

IntegratedCCC celebrates every step of your breakthrough toward living fully alive.